Wednesday, May 16

Black and Single

I was just thinking to myself "I wonder what happened to the Awkward Black Girl series?" and then I stumbled upon this on Madam Noire's site.  There is a new comedic web series that has recently hit and I think it's worth checking out.

It's called Black and Single -- an Atlanta based web series that follows men and womyn as they try to make sense of the dating scene...something we can all relate to.

The actual premise is: 

“Black & Single is a web-series that follows the lives of Oni and Jesse. Two young, single and black professionals that work in the same office building and are seemingly perfect for each other. There is one problem. They never meet. They intersect each others lives at hilarious and various moments while searching for love when true love passes them by every day unwittingly. Will they ever meet? Only time will tell.”

The series only has 2 episodes out so far, but they seem to be posting bi-weekly and who knows where it will go.

If you need a good laugh, click on the video (there is a little language in the video, just to let you know).

Let me know your thoughts...did you like it?  Will you keep up with it?

1 comment:

Marie said...

That was pretty hilarious and I can relate to some of it. Definitely worth following! Thanks for posting.